Simple Truths News
A monthly newsletter updating you on all things health for
Simply Better Health, Pregnant Today and the Simple Truths book series
Feedback from one of our clients
"With the physical and emotional toll of working in the mines, I was increasing in age and had been told I had a low egg reserve and my obstetrician doubted I would be able to conceive. IVF didn’t appeal to me as it’s not 100% and I felt it would be brutal on my body. Deflated, I started a program which focused on my nutrition and lifestyle with Sandy.

Almost immediately I noticed my health improve, I lost weight and gained confidence in my own ability to manage my life and fertility. A little further down the track my sore back became better, the UTI’s I had for many years disappeared and I had the energy of an 18 year old again.

I went on to successfully conceive and found I had mycoplasmic bacteria which was affecting my uterus wall. With natural remedies this was not a problem and we finally reached our end result and now have 2 healthy bouncing girls. I look back now and realise that in learning to nurture ourselves properly we took the first real steps towards creating a happy family. The money was worth it, I am so healthy from the program there are very few doctors visits now.

A special thank you to Sandy - her bright attitude and constant encouragement and support was wonderful all the way through."

K - Geologist
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